Personal Portfolio
7+ Years of Experience

My Resume

2017 - Now

Higher Education

Bachelor in Software Engineering

San Marcos Major National University (2017 - 2022)

Studying at the oldest university in America allowed me to get to know the world of software engineering academically.
From the foundations and first programs created by great engineers like Alan Turing to human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, agile methodologies and machine learning.

Specialization in 5G, Cloud, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

Huawei University (2019)

Winner of Huawei's Seeds for the Future 2019 contest. Representative of Peru worldwide. I managed to specialize and become a Huawei trainee in Beijing and Shenzhen, China.
I learned all about cutting-edge technologies developed by the company such as 5G, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and AI.

Specialization in Leadership and Soft Skills

Harvard University (2019)

Awarded by the Government of Peru and the UNMSM as an applied student, I went to study at the prestigious Harvard University.
Being part of the summer school and reinforcing my soft skills helped me to be recognized as a Student Leader for the 21st Century.

Specialization in Computer Science

Autonomous University of Mexico (2021)

I specialized in Computer Science, where I learned more about my interest in Network Management, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
Motivated by being in Mexico, I carried out research and scientific articles during this exchange.

Diploma in Global Business Management

University of Rosario (2022)

After the success of my own start-up, I wanted to learn more about international business.
Here, I not only improve my skills as an international negotiator, but also on marketing, administration, and management.

Specialization in Big Data Analytics

Deusto University (2022)

To certify and improve my skills obtained throughout my career, I did an exchange in Spain.
Here I reinforced knowledge about R, Python, AI, Big Data and Power BI.

2011 - Now


English Language

Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2011 - 2015)
C1 Level

English language at an advanced level. I got a score of 105 on the TOEFL iBT exam in July 2022.

Portuguese Language

Cultural Center of the Portuguese Language (2016)
B2 Level

Portuguese language at an upper intermediate level. Certified by UNMSM.

French Language

Alliance Française (2018 - 2021)
C1 Level

French language at an advanced level. DELF exam passed

Chinese Language

Beijing Culture and Language University (2019)
A1 Level

Chinese language at a basic level. Certified by the BCLU and Huawei.


Development Skill

CSS (inc. SASS, LESS, Bootstrap & Tailwind) & SQL
JavaScript, React, Node & NextJS
AWS, PHP, Laravel, Livewire & Alpine
Python, R & PowerBI
C++, Solidity, Java & React Native

Design Skill

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XDesign
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe After Effects
2015 - Now

Professional Experience

Senior Software Developer

Turn Technologies (Chicago, IL)
2022 - 2023

Turn is among the top 100 start-ups of 2022 in the US. My tasks were the development of web applications, UI & APIs to carry out the recruitment, screening and onboarding process of millions of companies such as Amazon, Wag, among others.
I also focused on making reusable component libraries, shared configuration libraries and developing standards for the proper maintenance of the company's repositories applying SOLID principles.

Founder & CTO

VacunaTravel (Lima, PE)

VacunaTravel was my second start-up focused on helping families from all over Latin America get vaccinated in the US during the pandemic.
Here I designed, developed, and deployed the web application and the artificial intelligence that followed up all the patients during their vaccination process.

Founder & CEO

Anqarapp (Lima, PE)
2020 - 2021

Anqarapp was my first start-up, focused on training teachers from all over Latin America so that they can teach their classes remotely during the pandemic quarantine.
Here I designed, developed and deployed the web application, the AI for the adaptive model of education and also the AI for immediate attention to teachers.

Software Developer

Aaldebaran S.A.C. (Lima, PE)

Here I designed, developed and deployed all the web applications for the company's products and projects, such as:, Maandalaa, AccesoDirecto, among others.

Corporate Image Leader

Sedipro San Marcos (Lima, PE)

Volunteering. My role here was to generate the entire digital corporate image of the volunteer through the development of its social networks, digital content, website and more. In addition, he directed high-impact social projects such as "Sowing Smiles 2018".

Software Developer

ImanLife E.I.R.L. (Lima, PE)

Development of artificial intelligence focused on customer service and automatic problem solving using machine learning algorithms and sentiment analysis.

2015 - Now

Freelancing & Side Projects

Software Engineer

Eventify (Lima, PE)

Freelancing. Eventify was the first marketplace for Peruvian events. I was in charge of developing, planning, designing and deploying all the first version of their web and mobile applications, in addition to providing them with a modern architecture in the cloud.

Software Engineer

Masa (Lima, PE)

Freelancing. Masa is the first media center in Peru. I was in charge of designing, developing and deploying their website. Also, implement a cloud architecture that allowed the company to work remotely.

Web Developer

Cepeban School (Lima, PE)

Freelancing. Cepeban is an educational center located in Lima, with more than 15 years of existence. My job was to design and implement their new modern website using a modern technology stack.

Web Developer & Game Designer

xKekos (Madrid, SPA)

Freelancing. xKekos was a game with more than 10 thousand users connected simultaneously per day. My job was to program new items for the game, as well as programming new interfaces and functionalities within it.

1999 - Now

About My Profession & Studies

Award from the Peruvian President

Peruvian Government Palace (2019)

Thanks to my performance as a student and academic achievements, I was awarded by the Congress and the President of Peru.

Interview for Andina News

Andina News (2019)

I was interviewed to talk about why I was going to Harvard University and what my aspirations were. Fun fact: from this moment I already showed my interest in artificial intelligence and the improvement in education in my country.

Study Trip to Harvard

ATV (2019)

After winning Huawei's "Seeds for the Future" contest and being sent to Harvard University, I was interviewed with my peers for national television.

Award from San Marcos University

San Marcos Major National University (2019)

After winning the "Seeds for the Future" competition in China, I was honored by my University and awarded an postgraduate scholarship.

1999 - Now

About My Hobbies & Projects

Exhibition of Art Piece in a Spanish Museum

Santiago de Compostela (2021)

One of my passions is writing poetry. This led me to be part of an exhibition at the Torrente Ballester museum in Galicia, Spain. My first official art exhibition.

Interview: Anqarapp scholarship for UNMSM teachers

San Marcos Major National University (2020)

When I founded my own start-up, my idea was to help my University. Donate scholarships to more than a thousand university professors. Shortly after, my start-up would open borders in Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador.

Conversation with the winners of Seeds for the Future

Project Management Volunteer Congress (2020)

After managing to win international competitions and scholarships, I decided it was time to motivate other students to do so. This is a sample of it.

Project "Sowing Smiles"

Equipu (2018)

Volunteering. I directed a project focused on training children from an orphanage to train in soft skills through gamification and give them a Christmas show..

Who's the best wrestler in history?

Capital Radio (2018)

Wrestling is one of my passions. Being so interested in this sport made the country's most heard radio station invite me to talk about this sport and share it with more people.

Over 7 years of experience

My Experience

Personal Portfolio
2022 - 2023

Turn Technologies

Senior Software Developer

Turn is among the top 100 start-ups of 2022 in the US.

Personal Portfolio


Founder & CTO

VacunaTravel was my second startup.

Personal Portfolio
2020 - 2021


Founder & CEO

Anqarapp was my first start-up.

Personal Portfolio

Aaldebaran S.A.C.

Software Developer

Developed all the web applications for the company's products.

Personal Portfolio

Sedipro San Marcos

Corporate Image Leader

Volunteering at University.

Personal Portfolio

ImanLife E.I.R.L.

Software Developer

Development of AI for commercial purposes.

My academic career


Personal Portfolio
2017 - 2022

San Marcos Major National University

Bachelor in Software Engineering

Top #3 student in class.

Personal Portfolio

Huawei University

Specialization in 5G, Cloud, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

Winner of Huawei's "Seeds for the Future" program.

Personal Portfolio

Harvard University

Specialization in Leadership and Soft Skills

Awarded by the Peruvian President and Congress.

Personal Portfolio

Autonomous University of Mexico

Specialization in Computer Science


Personal Portfolio

University of Rosario

Diploma in Global Business Management


Personal Portfolio

Deusto University

Specialization in Big Data Analytics


Final Message